
Showing posts from September, 2022

Animation Fundamentals Exercises

01/08/2022 - 04/10/2022 Osezua Ehizogie Ejodame / 0351565  Animation Fundamentals /Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)/Creative Media Design(Minor)/ School of Computer Science Exercises Lectures  Week 1 Introduced to the module and how we will work in this semester. Referenced books on animation to read on.  Week 2 Animation Princples (Fluiditity in animation) 1. Frame rate: Rate at which images or drawings are displayed. Films usually use 24 fps. (Frames per second) 2. Timing: The number of drawings used effects how fast or slow the action appears. 3. Spacing 4. Slow in and Slow out: 5. Arcs Week 3  Animation Principles (Elasticity & Flexibility in animation) 6. Animation styles: can range from realistic to "cartoony". "Cartoony" animation styles make use of squash and stretch. 7. Elasticity (squash & stretch):  It is important to maintain the volume of the shape when applying squash and stretch to objects.  It brings life to an objects mov