Animation Fundamentals/ Project 2

27/10/2022 - 10/11/2022
Osezua Ehizogie Ejodame / 0351565 
Animation Fundamentals /Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)/Creative Media Design(Minor)/
School of Computer Science
Project 2


Week 9: Appeal and Clarity

To make animations that people will actually give a second glance and actually enjoy looking at we have to make sure our drawings are appealing and of good quality. It's good to have simplicity in character design in order for it to be easier to look at but its also good to give characters more personality by changing their proportions to match the vibe they try to give off.

We need to write a script to tell the story we want to animate. A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that are made with no time stamps before the process of animating begins. Animatics are the rough animations of the storyboard with timing and these are all part of the pre-production stage.

In the animation stage we take what we have made in the storyboard and animate the action poses, dialogue and timing.

Characters: Overlapping character actions is not advised unless you can do it well, it is best to animate different action ideas one at a time. The movement timing (number of frames) can affect a characters personality as well as their shape and outfit.

Background: It should match the mood and feeling of the story you are trying to tell, for example; when telling an uplifting story its best to use bright colors and lighting.
Camera angles can also play an important role in animation. If there is a high angle at eye level it shows how tall something is compared to the character.
Establishing shots are a kind of introduction that can tell us the location and time setting of the story. there are also medium shots, full shots, close up shots, extreme close up shots (important events),

Secondary actions add on to the primary action when done properly.

Exaggeration makes actions more interesting and convincing when done properly. Anticipation is good for fast actions and follow through is good for transitioning from fast movements to static ones. Avoid twinning for key poses. Silhouettes. 



Plotting the poses Week 9 (31/10/2022)

Rough Video Week 10 (06/11/2022)

Tie down Video Week 11 (07/11/2022)


Final Video Week 11 Rough, Tie Down and Colouring (07/11/2022)


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