07/04/2023 - (Week 1 - Week 4)
Osezua Ehizogie Ejodame / 0351565
Design Principles/Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)/Creative Media Design (Minor)/ School of Computer Science


Week 1 - Elements and principles of design
The elements of design include point, line, shape, form, texture, space and contour.  

Topic 1: Contrast & Gestalt Theory

Contrast: Juxtaposition of strongly dissimilar elements. This means placing the elements together to create an interesting effect, this effect prevents the visual experience from being monotonous. Contrast can be found in shapes and colors.

Gestalt: The principles describe how the eyes perceive visual elements as a single art form and not separate elements. Some principles include:

Similarity: Elements that are similar tend to be grouped together.
Proximity: Elements that are close to each other can be grouped together.
Closure: Elements that do not touch each other can be perceived as having visual continuity. 



Chosen Design principles:
- Emphasis
- Movement
- Repetition

1. Recap: 
The aspect of a design that the viewer immediately notices or what captures their attention. The focal point and contrast with the rest of the design should make it stand out even more.

2. Design Process

2.1 Visual References
Fig. Example for Emphasis

Fig. Example for Emphasis

2.2 Idea Exploration and Description

Fig. Rough Emphasis Idea Sketch

In order to illustrate the concept of "emphasis," I envisioned a large balloon occupying most of the page, utilizing its significant size to establish a sense of "dominance." To further make the balloon a focal point in the design, I intend to use a red color while employing fewer dominant colors for the background and the child holding the balloon.
Fig. 1st Attempt

2.3 Final Design

Fig. Final Design for Emphasis

2.4 Feedback 
The 2nd attempt for Emphasis is better than the 1st as the light shows more emphasis on the balloon. 

The two balloons are a good addition, but you could try and make another design but without them to see if the emphasis idea still shows.

1. Recap: 
Movement in the image happens when an object or person appears to be in motion. The design should make the viewers eyes follow along with that movement.
2. Design Process

2.1 Visual References
Fig. Example for Movement
Ref: Pinterest

Fig. Example for Movement
Ref: Pinterest

2.2 Idea Exploration and Description

Fig. Rough Movement Sketch Idea

The idea of movement is depicted in how the child is being blown away by the wind while holding unto the umbrella. The direction of the leaves and the flowers on the ground should also add to the idea of the movement of the wind.

Fig. 1st Attempt

Fig. 2nd Attempt

2.3 Final Design

Fig. Final Design for Movement

The Final Design features the girl being blown into the air by wind. For the final design I tweaked the grass a little and also scattered the leaves, so they look more natural and not just pointing straight upward.

2.4 Feedback 

The idea is good, but you could experiment and make the lines more stylized, maybe using thicker and thinner strokes.

1. Recap: 
Repeating an aspect of a design can create a pattern. Patterns are generally nice to look at.

2. Design Process

2.1 Visual References

Fig. Example for Repetition

2.2 Idea Exploration and Description

Fig. Rough Sketch for Repetition

From the visual reference I would also like to make something similar but with carrots, then I thought of how rabbits liked carrots.
So, the basic idea of my design will be a bunch of carrots that express repetition and a cute rabbit character in the corner happy from all the carrots it has around itself.

Fig. Repetition Version 1

Fig. Repetition Version 2

2.3 Final Design

Fig. Final Design for Repetition

2.4 Feedback 
Version 2 will be better as a final design as version 1 is a bit rigid. Some carrots can be moved slightly to get rid of awkward empty spaces.

2.5 Reflection

With emphasis I was quite worried as it was my first design. I am more used to sketching traditionally so digitalizing my design in Adobe Illustrator was a new experience, but I feel like I learned a lot from this.

In the movement design I have gotten slightly more comfortable with using Illustrator and am quite happy with how the design turned out. My biggest struggle for some time was in designing the wind.

I enjoyed making the repetition design the most, although it took less time to do compared to the others as I had gotten a better idea on how to work with illustrator and vectors.


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