28/04/2023 - 19/05/2023 (Week 4 - Week 7)
Osezua Ehizogie Ejodame / 0351565
Design Principles/Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)/Creative Media Design (Minor)/ School of Computer Science
Project 1 - Self Portrait



Contemplate on your life experiences, which includes your culture, your family, your friends, your schooldays, your favorite hangouts, your favorite music, food, musician, etc. Observe your surroundings –people, vehicles, buildings, plants, signages, nature, and activities. 

Record these in sketches, photography and/or video recording.

In your PROJECT 1 – SELF-PORTRAIT post in the blog, include:

1. a recap of Project 1 brief

2. your design process:

2.1 visual references (designs that have inspired your own)

2.2 idea exploration and description

2.3 final outcome in JPEG (A4 size) with a title and a short rationale 

2.4 feedback from the lecturer 

2.5 reflection on Project 1.


We are required to create a mind map about ourselves which can include things about our personalities and our favorite hobbies among other things.


2.1 Visual References.

Fig. Inspiration for Self Portrait (6) Pinterest

In my mind map I ended up describing myself as an introverted person that likes staying indoors watching animations all day. That's not always the case but I like this design concept of looking outside of a room through a window. 
(3) Pinterest

(3) Pinterest

2.2 idea exploration and description

When I was younger, I rarely went out to hang out with people outside of school. I didn't mind it that much but sometimes I felt trapped in my room when I got bored like I was in a really tiny box. That's how I ended up liking a lot of indoor hobbies.

Fig. Sketch #1

Fig. First Digital Attempt

Fig. Second Digital Attempt

2.3 final outcome and rationale 
Fig. Final Self Portrait Design.

Title: My Head.
For my final design I took a slightly different approach to the message I was trying to convey. Instead of being stuck in a phone screen I placed myself inside a box. 
The message I tried to convey was what is going on inside my mind which is why I drew myself without a head.
All the characters and items from some of my favorite shows are seen floating around in different corners of the design (the things floating inside my head).

I am seen wearing headphones probably listening to one of my favorite songs. My head is missing but I do have glasses on that are inspired by a character called "Garnet" from the cartoon series "Steven Universe."
My right hand is missing and in its place is a flower, this is a reference to a character called Finn in the cartoon series "Adventure Time." My left hand has a bracelet belonging to a character called "Toph", my favorite character from the "Avatar the Last Airbender" series.

To give some explanations on the characters from right to left, first we have the cat character called Chomusuke from an anime called Konosuba, I like cats and I especially think his wings are cute.

The blue and white hat belongs to a character called Dipper from a show called Gravity Falls, one of my favorite shows as a kid. I liked Dipper because of his intelligence, he was a bit weird as well, but I wanted to be like him when I was younger.

The penguin character is Gunther who is also from Adventure Time.

On the top left we have a character called BMO who is a game console come to life. Below BMO we have a snail character that used to creep me out as a child because he would be hiding in almost every episode waving at the viewers. Below that we have a sword belonging to Finn. BMO, the Snail and the sword are all from Adventure Time.

Finally, we have the book in the bottom left, this is the 2nd Journal from Gravity Falls.

2.4 Feedback from lecturer

The first attempt can be improved upon by using lighter colors. The floating effect is nice. Try adding more references and think more about the exact message you want to tell. 

Changes to the second design can be in moving some of the characters closer or farther away from the box so they aren't just on the edge of the box. e.g. the penguin and console character.

The lighting and opacity of the box can be tweaked.

Good placement of the snail and cat character. 

2.5 Reflection on Project 1

It took me quite some time to decide on the exact message I wanted to convey. But I believe I'm content with what I decided on.


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