15/05/2023 - 09/06/2023 (Week 7 - Week 10)

Osezua Ehizogie Ejodame / 0351565
Design Principles/Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)/Creative Media Design (Minor)/ School of Computer Science
Project 2 - SENSE OF PLACE



In your PROJECT 2 – SENSE OF PLACE post in the blog, include:

1. a recap of Project 2 brief 

2. your design process: 

2.1 visual references (designs that have inspired your own) 

2.2 idea exploration and description 

2.3 final outcome in JPEG (A4 size) with a title and a short rationale 

2.4 feedback from the lecturer 

2.5 reflection on Project 2

Design process

1. Recap

Utilize design principles to express a location of your choice. It can either be a place we have visited before, a place we currently go to often or a place we wish to go to in the future. Document the place with image references. The place I have in mind is a field I walked in when I lived in the UK as a child. It was nighttime and I could see so many stars in the sky, it was my first camping trip away from home so it is a very fond memory of mine.

2. Design Process 

2.1 Visual References





2.2 Idea Exploration

Chosen Place: Field at Night
Fig Rough Sketch for Design Idea #1
I started off with a very rough design in my sketchbook. I sadly do not have any pictures from that day so I am totally relying on my memory to remember how it looked like.
Getting this first idea out of the way reminded me of how I wasn't the only one there on the field. As it was a school trip, other students were there like my two best friends when I was younger.

Fig Rough Sketch for Design Idea #1

Fig. Rough Sketch for Design Idea #1

The final idea for example could be this plane grass field with the three of us looking up at the moon and starry night sky.

Fig. First Digitization 

2.3 final outcome in JPEG (A4 size) with a title and a short rationale 

Title: 8 Years ago

I have titled this work 8 years ago as that was when this scene took place. It was my first trip away from home with my school and also the same year I had to leave the UK and come back to my home country. I felt a lot of emotions looking at that sky back then and it is a scene I'd like to see again.

The design principles used are harmony emphasis and contrast. 

2.4 feedback from the lecturer 

Week 9
The design would work better in a landscape orientation to express the vastness of the night sky better. The moon can also be off-center. 

Week 10
Make the light hitting the characters more prominent so the focus is on them more.
The stars are somewhat too arranged, they could be rearranged a little better.

2.5 reflection on Project 2

I quite enjoyed working on project 2 as it gave me a lot to think about in terms of composition and in applying different design principles. It was an overall good learning experience as I got very insightful feedback on my initial ideas and was able to improve on them to complete the final design.


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