07/04/2023 - 07-07-2023 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Osezua Ehizogie Ejodame / 0351565
Design Principles/Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)/Creative Media Design (Minor)/ School of Computer Science
Final Compilation & Reflection


Exercises - Principles of Design

Project 1 - Self Portrait

Project 2 - Sense of Place

Final Project - Visual Analysis 


EXERCISES - Principles of Design 

07/04/2023 - 28/04/2023 (Week 1 - Week 4)

1) Emphasis
Fig. Final Design in JPEG for Emphasis Week 4 (28/04/2023)

2) Movement

Fig. Final Design in JPEG for Movement Week 4 (28/04/2023)

3) Repetition

Fig. Final Design in JPEG for Repetition Week 4 (28/04/2023)


PROJECT 1 - Self Portrait 
28/04/2023 - 19/05/2023 (Week 4 - Week 7)
Fig. Final Design in JPEG for Self Portrait Week 7 (19/05/2023)

PROJECT 2 - Sense of Place 
15/05/2023 - 09/06/2023 (Week 7 - Week 10)
Fig. Final Design in JPEG for Project 2 Sense of Place Week 10 (09/06/2023)

FINAL PROJECT - Visual Analysis
11/06/2023 - 07-07-2023 (Week 10 - Week 14)
Fig. Final Design in JPEG for Visual Analysis Week 14 (07-07-2023)


•What have I learnt in this module? 
During the course of this module I have learnt a lot of things through implementing them in the many projects. I learnt how to sketch out my ideas traditionally in my sketchpad and then produce the final using illustration software. I was able to build on my illustration art style in digital art as well because of this.

•What did I enjoy the most? 
I enjoyed the freedom we had with how we wanted to express ourselves with each assignment. Searching for references online and understanding how other artists come up with their own artworks and taking inspiration was fun.

•What did I not enjoy the most?
I liked most things about this module especially the freedom we got, but in a way that same freedom was something I didn't like sometimes as searching online for references could take a really long time before I finally got an idea or a concept for one of my designs. But still that taught me to have patience and trust the process.

•What have I learnt about myself through this module?
I've learnt that I shouldn't put myself down for not immediately being the best at something I'm only starting for the first time. I learnt to remind myself to have patience and continue to try even though I couldn't see the progress immediately.

•What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?
Looking back at all my projects from the first to the last I can tell that my approach to design had taken some changes here and there. Although I wasn't great at the start, and even now there's still a lot I can improve on, I can see the way I was able to stick to the deadlines and set goals for myself along my learning journey.
•What could be improved in this module?
As the expectations for projects and how to execute them we're quite clear throughout the module, there isn't much I could say needs improving.


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